On The 23rd of November 2022, the workshop “Fossil-Free Future of Energy Intensive Industries” was organised by Bioenergy Europe in the framework of their annual conference: the European Bioenergy Future 2022.
After a short presentation of the project by Alessandro Carmona, researcher in the biomass valorisation team at CIRCE (coordinator of the project), Jérémie Geelen from Bioenergy Europe presented the results of the sectoral consultation that was carried out in the framework of the project. This consultation exercise was conducted with different stakeholders involved in the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries such as trade associations, policymakers and representatives of industries directly.
The aim of this consultation was to produce a “common vision” of the industry, identifying barriers, opportunities and concerns related to decarbonisation. This vision was then discussed during a panel, composed of Maria João Duarte from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Philippe Putman from Carmeuse, Pauline Lucas from Euro Heat and Power and Nikos Nikolakakos from CEMBUREAU. This interactive discussion allowed, among other things, to identify the main factors influencing the development of decarbonisation roadmaps, to highlight the problems linked to the complexity of European financing, and to discuss key policy issues such as the ETS, the revision of the RED or the CBAM.
The session proved to be a success with the active participation of the audience in order to move forward with the important issue of decarbonisation of European industries.
RE4Industry looks forward to the upcoming activities, where the full decarbonisation of Energy Intensive Industries will continue to be discussed.