Esperanza Montero is a Chemical Engineer with a broad specialization in Renewable Energies, Fuel Cells and Hydrogen and holds an Executive MBA. Her professional career is composed by more than 8 years of dedication to the field of hydrogen and energy transition. She began her professional career at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Energy Studies (IMDEA Energy) as a researcher in the systems analysis department, focusing her studies on the design of biorefineries, and later worked at ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente SL, a Spanish company specialized in hydrogen technologies. Currently, Esperanza Montero holds the position of Hydrogen and Energy Transition Product Manager, at Carburos Metálicos, Air Products group, a world leader in the production of hydrogen. Esperanza develops and leads the marketing strategies for H2 in Southern Europe.
Organisation: Carburos Metálicos
José Javier Rodríguez Morales, Industrial Engineer (Industrial Chemical Specialty) from the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers of Madrid (UPM) and Executive MBA from the Instituto de Empresa de Madrid (2002). Since 2021 PhD student DBA in Management and Technology at Comillas Universidad Pontificia (Madrid).
His profession as an engineer began in 1996 in the paper industry in the EUROPAC group (currently DS Smith) where he held positions as head of Cogeneration and Services, Purchasing Director, and Industrial Director until 2002, when he joined ASPAPEL (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Pulp, Paper and Cardboard) as Environment Director. Since 2008 he has been the General Director of ACOGEN – Spanish Cogeneration Association.
Javier represents ACOGEN in multiple groups: the CNMC Electricity and Hydrocarbons Advisory Councils, the OMIE and MIBGAS Market Agents Committee, various groups of REE electrical systems and the ENAGAS gas company, as well as other national and European forums (CEOE, Foment., Cogen Europe, CWC, etc.) in energy, environmental and industrial matters.
He also represents ACOGEN in advocacy and lobbying before the Administration and other Spanish (MITERD, MINCOTUR, CNMC, Treasury, Autonomous Communities, IDAE, Parliament and Senate, political parties, etc.), and European organisations (Cogen Europe, REPER, Commission, European Parliament …). Javier collaborates with industrial and energy business organizations (CEOE, FOMENT, ASPAPEL, ASCER, FIAB, FEIQUE, AOP, GasINDUSTRIAL, AEGE, APPA, AELEC, UNEF, AEE …) at a national and European level.
He is ACOGEN spokesperson with a regular relationship in specialized media and magazines. Regular speaker in courses and conferences, with different academic collaborations.
As general director of ACOGEN, Javier leads one of the energy associations with the greatest industrial projection in the country, which integrates and provides service to more than 150 industrial business groups and has a solid and motivated team for management, service, and achievement of objectives.
Organisation: ACOGEN
Pedro González is an economist expert in defining regulation and energy policy. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a Master’s degree in Industrial Economics from the Carlos III University of Madrid. Currently, he is the General Director of the Association of Companies with High Energy Consumption (AEGE). He is a representative in various organizations such as CNMC or CEOE. He has also been an advisor in the Energy Secretary’s Office of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, and prior to his time in the administration, he worked in consulting for more than 10 years.
Organisation: AEGE